Aoife zoekt een Kamer in Den Haag

Aoife zoekt: Een Kamer in Den Haag

  • Kamer
  • Min. 12 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 09 Per direct

I am a 23 year old Irish woman moving to the Hague in September for a 2 years masters programme in Leiden University's The Hague campus. I am non-smoker, social, and have lived in several apartments in 3 different cities and can provide excellent landlord references. I am interested in cooking, reading, cycling, and love meeting new people from across the world! I am happy to share an apartment with other students, and my budget is €650 per month.

Algemene informatie: Aoife
  Vrouw, 25 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars MSc Governance of Sustainability (HBO)
  Lid van Leiden University