Axel zoekt een Kamer / Studio / Appartement in Den Haag

Axel zoekt: Een Kamer / Studio / Appartement in Den Haag

  • Kamer / Studio / Appartement
  • Min. 15 m2
  • Man
  • 12 Per direct

Hello, My name is Axel, I am a 23 years old working student from Zürich, Switzerland. I moved here recently for a master in electronic composition (don't worry, I am very quiet, as I work on headphones or at the conservatory).
My languages are Englisch, German, French, and professionally bad at speaking dutch, and I am clean, quiet, easy-going, and I have years of experience with shared living situations.
I would love to find a nice room here in Den Haag, as I have to move out of mine soon.
Thank you for considering me and I wish you all the best,

Algemene informatie: Axel
  Man, 23 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Master in Sonology (HBO)